Services We Offer

Quantitative Research

Factual Insights quantitative market research methodology deals with numerical data and hard facts.

CATI (Computer-aided telephonic interviews)

CATI (computer-aided telephonic interviews) is a research method that conducts surveys over the telephone guided by the computer. The interviewer calls the participant over the phone and conducts a survey using the script.

Telephonic Interviews

Telephonic interviews are conducted over the telephone. At first, a researcher identifies potential participants that show similar characteristics and questions are asked related to the existing problems faced by customers.

Face-to-face Interviews

While conducting face-to-face interviews, a researcher directly communicates with the participant. Then the prepared questionnaires are asked to the participant to garner factual information and any other information that will help generate an accurate report.

Central Location Tests

Central location tests (CLT) are conducted under a controlled environment at any hall. This method helps in interacting with the participant in person. Also, it helps in gathering quick market feedback.

Paper-pencil Interviews

Paper-pencil interviews are the most used research methods for collecting data. Its process involves interviewing the participant personally. Then the interviewer reads the questions out loud and fills the participants' answers on the paper.

Computer-assisted Web Interviews (CAWI)

Computer-assisted web interviews is a process where questionnaires are shown on a webpage. This process incorporates displaying images, playing videos and sounds. The participant understands the product and gives the required feedback.

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