Services We Offer

Qualitative Research

Factual Insights qualitative research service aims to evaluate thoughts, opinions, feelings of an individual and understand the factors that influence such behaviours.

In-depth Interviews

In-depth interviews are conducted individually or in small groups over the telephone to gather precise insights about the problem. Also, open-ended questions garner accurate information from the individual.

Ethnographic Research

Ethnographic research involves the process of evaluating an individual's attitude and buying behaviour in their natural environment. This research methodology helps in creating impactful insights about an individual.

Focus Group Discussions

Focus group discussion research performed in groups usually have 5-10 members. These group members are assembled and given a product to discuss. A moderator assists the members in the discussion while they individually derive opinions.

Mystery Shopping

Mystery shopping is an excellent method of analysing a customer's experience. The genuine experiences and feedback from these mystery shoppers are recorded and evaluated.

Triad/ Dyad

Triad consists of three participants in a group who may or may not know each other. Also, in the triad research method, the third person can act as a mediator. Likewise, a dyad consists of two participants where the discussion between two participants may or may not be each other.

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